On his blog, my valued friend Ali is explaining log levels and how to use them. I think he is right with what he is asking for when it comes to choosing the right level for logging. Please find his post below, the original can be accessed under: https://huestones.co.uk/2019/12/how-to-explain-log-levels-to-your-kids-and-team/ I’ve had to explain log levels […]
Use cmd+c and cmd+v in XQuartz on your Mac
If you are running XQuartz on your Mac to display apps link inkscape, then . you might have wondered why you can not just use cmd+c and cmd+v etc.? Well you can! All you need to do is creating a file in your home directory (~) called .Xmodmap with the following contents: ! ~/.Xmodmap clear Mod2 clear control […]
Creating a permanent link to a file on github – branch, tag or commit id supported
This is just another “note to myself” thing… don’t expect too much magic here, but as you came here, you seem to have the same goal as I did: I want to link to a specific file on github using its tag, so that it is a permanent link. https://help.github.com/articles/getting-permanent-links-to-files/ exactly tells you how to create […]
Auto-change proxy in Mac OS terminal per location
While almost all GUI tools on macOS respect the global proxy settings per Location, the terminal does not. As a developer switching between corporate and non-proxied networks, this is a big pain. Fortunately, I found a solution to automatically switch proxy settings when you change the Location setting in MacOS.
Logging out of Netflix on Smart TVs
I am just sitting here on the couch trying to logout of the netflix.com app on a LG Electronics TV. The one or the other of you guy may come accross the same problem when using you account in an AirBnb or any other home that you do not want your account to stick with, […]
Webpack, NodeJS and Express fueled by typescript
Webpack is all the rage today. It calls itself a module bundler, but it is so much more than that. It will replace your gulp setup entirely, as it will do your transformations, you bundling, your replacements, your asset compilation, just about everything on the front-end build chain. But what about the backend? This question bothered […]
HomePi – connecting the Pi and the LED board
After setting up the LED board (HomePi – Starting with the LED board) and proving that it is actually working, it is now time to connect the Pi with the LED board. In this blog Post, we will talk about: The Raspberry Pi GPIOs in general How to connect the two devices Download & use a […]
How to install NodeJS 8 on Raspberry Pi (using the ArmV6 package)
The is just a little “note” on how to install NodeJS on the RaspberryPi, as I was searching for the best way to do it my self several time, I decided to put this up for you guys (and me ) here to find it more easily.. First ssh into your Pi, then follow […]
HomePi – Starting with the LED board
As discussed in earlier blog-posts, I will show you how to build an LED controller to be ultimately controlled by the Google Home device. This article is the first in the series that actually talks about the components and we will start with the LEDs connected to our RaspberryPi. LEDs First of all we need […]
HomePi – What we will build
As announced before with my post , I am doing my first blog series about building a sample DIY home automation for everyone to copy. But what will we actually build? The general idea behind this series is to show you which steps are needed to connect a google home to you raspberry Pi. It […]